We finally pulled all our garlic this week, and realized we should have pulled it about 2 weeks ago. If you leave garlic in too long it may start to rot, and the cloves will start to separate from each other a bit. Most of it is still fine, and you will all be getting some this week! Garlic needs to cure for a few weeks before it will store well. Since this garlic hasn't cured yet, it will just need to be used in the next week or two.
It's also time to start some fall crops! It is tricky to start fall crops in the middle of the summer, because brassicas (everything in the cabbage family including kale, broccoli, kohlrabi, and more) won't germinate well over 85 degrees. Since we don't have AC, it's hard to find a place consistently cool enough to start these seeds. This year we are trying our basement. It doesn't get much light, but the seeds don't need light to germinate, and once they have we will move them to a shadier place.